Recycling and Garbage

Village of Salmo

Recycling and Garbage

Recycling Depot

The region’s transition to Recycle BC began fin 2020 with several recycling depots now open and offering the new service. The Recycling Depot is located on Glendale Avenue in Lions Park in the fenced area in front of the “recycle building” and is operated by the RDCK for Recycle BC.  The depot is staffed and open four days a week between 10:00 am and 4:00 pm.

Salmo's Recycling and Garbage - Recycling symbol in the Village's color scheme

Residential Recycling Program Hours

Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday
10:00 am – 4:00 pm 
(All Depots are CLOSED on all Statutory Holidays.)

The Salmo Depot accepts the following per the RDCK Recycling Guide:

  • glass bottles (please remove and recycle lids separately)
  • paper
  • flattened cardboard and cardboard packaging
  • tin cans (labels off)
  • plastic packaging
  • styrofoam packaging

All items must be clean and not have any food waste in order not to attracts bears, rats and other critters and so it is not rejected by the companies that turn recycling in to new products. So please be sure to wash your bottles and cans before recycling.

Aluminum pop and beer cans and recyclable beverage containers can be taken to the Salmo Value-Mart Bottle Depot & Supplies on Hwy.#3 or cans and plastic pop bottles can donated to the “Grad” program in the bins outside of SVYCC..

All items must be clean and not have any food waste in order not to attracts bears, rats and other critters and so it is not rejected by the companies that turn recycling in to new products. So please be sure to wash your bottles and cans before recycling.

Visit the RDCK’s “What Can I Recycle” page for complete information on what you can and cannot recycle.  And click here to learn “Why the RDCK changed recycling in the district”.

Recycling BC Guide.

Salmo's Recycling and Garbage - Sorting

Hazardous Waste

Effective January 2020 the Nelson depot will accept hazardous waste year round.  The depot is down by the old train station / Nelson Chamber of Commerce.

Residential Garbage Collection

The Village of Salmo contracts Green For Life (GFL, formerly Alpine Group) for the collection of residential garbage.

Salmo residents are entitled to put out two (2) bags of garbage per week; a service paid for as part of your yearly Utility Bill along with spring and fall clean-up and your water and sewer services.  However, should you have a week where you need to put out more than two bags, the extra bags need a special, high-visibility Extra Garbage Bag Tag.  Extra Garbage Bag tags are available for purchase from the Village office and cost $4.75 per tag.

Salmo's Recycling and Garbage (garbage bag tag)

The tags let our pick-up service provider know that the extra bags have been paid for and how many to charge the Village for as the Village has to pay for the extras. Extra bags without tags will be left at the curb.

Exchange Your Old Tags

We are switching over to the new tags illustrated above.  If you have any existing tags please bring them into the office and we will exchange them for the new tags.

Spring & Fall Clean-up

Compostable Yard & Garden Waste Collection

Salmo's Recycling and Garbage (yard waste)

The Village picks up compostable yard and garden waste twice a year – once in the spring and once in the fall.

*Please remember that all compostable waste must be bagged in see-through bags and that all branches must be bundled into stacks. All compostable waste for pick up and removal must be placed out on the curbside by 8:00 am each day. Any waste not following these guidelines will not be removed. Thank-you in advance for your co-operation.

Watch this website for this year’s dates.

Transfer Station for Additional Disposal Needs

The RDCK operates the Central (Salmo) Transfer Station for your additional garbage disposal needs.

Hours of Operation
  • Summer (May 1 to September 30) Wednesday & Saturday 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
  • Winter (October 1 to April 30) Wednesday & Saturday 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
  • Closed on all Statutory Holidays
Payment Options
  • Debit
  • Cash
Site Details
*Commercial and industrial operations are required to make provisions for their own garbage collection.