Reports & Links

Village of Salmo

Village of Salmo Reports & Links

Annual Reports and Audited Financial Statements

2022 – Transportation Study

LGCAP Reports

2020 Community Profile Report

OCP Economic Development Report February 2019

2021 Dike Inspection & Work Proposals

KP Park Wetlands

Other Reports

Links to Funding Sources

The Village may partner up with a non-profit to assist the non-profit with program and other funding.  Below are two regional partners who provide funding to local non-profit projects.  Their advisors are happy to answer your questions about your project, as is the Village’s CAO.

  • ETSI(Economic Trust of the Southern Interior)
  • CBT (Columbia Basin Trust)

2020 Regional Flood Map Study

Project Description
In the summer of 2019, the RDCK undertook region wide assessments to update existing flood mapping.  Salmo contributed a $150,000 grant from UBCM to this project. The work focused on high priority areas identified during a 2018-2019 regional study that prioritized flood and steep creek hazard areas across the District (BGC, March 31, 2019).  The assessment objectives for each study area included the completion of detailed hazard assessments including data compilation, fieldwork and analysis and preparation of hazard maps and reports for each study area. Through the provision of detailed hazard maps and information, the Stream 2 study supports community planning, bylaw enforcement, emergency response, risk control, and asset management.  All reports are available for download here on the RDCK website.

2021 Salmo Valley Child Care Inventory and Action Plan

In 2020, the Salmo Valley Early Childhood Advisory Committee (SVECAC) received a grant to undertake the development of an action plan for child care for Salmo and Area G, including Ymir.  The full report – Salmo Valley Child Care Inventory and Action Plan was received in January 221, and is available here.

2021 RDCK Resource Recovery Plan

In British Columbia, regional districts develop Solid Waste Management Plans (referred to as a Resource Recovery Plan in the RDCK) under the provincial Environmental Management Act that are long-term visions of how the regional district would like to manage its solid waste. This plan is an update of the Regional District of Central Kootenay’s 2010 Resource Recovery Plan (RRP).  (Note: Sept. 9, 2021 – The RDCK Board has not yet adopted this plan.)

2020 Regional Housing Needs Assessment

The Regional District of Central Kootenay and its partner communities – Creston, Kaslo, Nakusp, Nelson, New Denver, Salmo, Silverton, and Slocan – completed a Housing Needs Assessment in September 2020. Final reports are available here:  Regional Housing Needs Assessment

Cottonwood Lake Discussions 2018/19


Village of Salmo