
Village of Salmo


Salmo charges property owners for three utility services – water, sewer and garbage pick-up.

Billed annually in February, residents are entitled to a 10% discount if their invoice is paid by the due date (even partial payments will receive a discount).  The 2025 due date is April 11th and payment must be received by 4:30 p.m. At year end, any outstanding charges are charged to the property owner’s property tax account for recovery.  Click here to view the 2025 Utility Rates Bylaw.

Property owners may pay by e-transfer, online banking (credit union members only), cheque, cash, debit or credit card. Credit card payments are subject to a 3% handling fee.

If paying through online banking, please note that the payment may take 3 to 10 business days to be received by the Village office.  Please ensure you have made your payment with sufficient time to be received by the office.  If not received by 4:30 p.m. on the due date, the payment will be considered late and will not receive the discount.

The e-transfer password is: villageofsalmo

Visit our garbage and recycling page for additional information about these services.